Ways to eliminate menial tasks

Are your teams working efficiently together and collaborating?  Do you have set processes that could be automated easily to relieve time constraints?

Deadlines, document drafting, and compliance are all part of normal law firm life. What if there was a framework to help make these things not so labour intensive. What if some tools could make your life easier and automate some of your usual processes, conveyancing files, compliance, creating and building documentation.

Workflows are a great way to deal with these processes and an integral process for law firms as they help teams collaborate effectively.  Team members can see where a file is at a glance and pick up and run with it if another team member was unable to.

Workflows can also help automate processes that have usually been time and labour intensive.  Any repetitive work and tasks could be automated with a workflow process.  Having workflow processes in place also allows for analytics and reporting to keep track of productivity.

Conveyancing matters are really good processes to automate as the same tasks are completed on each conveyancing file.  AML and Health & Safety and other compliance programs are also good processes to automate.

Do you have some team members who work in the office and others who work remotely? Do you have systems in place that help your teams to work effectively together and collaborate on documents or files?  Having your team collaborate in a cloud-based workspace would allow all team members regardless of whether they are working onsite or from the office to work together. 

There are some great workflow & collaboration tools available that can help you and your teamwork effectively and be more productive.  Below are a few cloud-based workflow and collaboration tools that I have found to be good:

Actionstep Legal Practice Management Software has a good workflow tool, which can be used as is, but also can be customised to suit your law firm.  Actionstep also has other functions including trust accounting and document management.

Checkbox.ai is also an easy non-code workflow system that can be used to automate repetitive and time-consuming processes. Checkbox.ai is also really good for generating document/agreements and following the process through from conception to finalisation.

NetDocuments allows teams to collaborate in a shared space.  It also allows clients and external parties to collaborate on files and documents with a fully secure collaboration cloud-based portal which allows for people to be invited by email, documents to be emailed by a secure link.  Security options allow for links to expire and external access to be limited. 

Office 365 & Onedrive allows for collaboration by shared document spaces on Onedrive, collaboration on documents through word, excel, and teams through screen-sharing and sharing documents with internal team members. 

Would you like to find out more about how we can help you choose the best workflow and productivity tools? We can also help with customisation and creation of workflows to help you and your team thrive.